Monday, August 6, 2012

Out with the with the new

In the past few days I have been overcome by this weird feeling, the best way I can describe it is the same feeling of waiting for shark week to air on Discovery.

nervousness, excitement, happiness, even a little scared

Today when I did a zombie-esqe roll out of bed, I realized... this was the new start of my new life. Was I happy that I was leaving the old Sarah behind?

The "old" Sarah I refer to is an unhappy camper, she was dependent on others for her own happiness.

The new Sarah, is happy, excited, and ready for the daily adventure of life--and as corny as that sounds, I'm happy I'm moving forward. How many people (including yourself) would want to have a clean slate?

I was stuck in an on-again off-again relationship for years with someone who I'll always care about, however, it just wasn't working. I needed to do something I've never done: DO SOMETHING FOR MYSELF. If it does end up working that would be great, and if not, I know that I'll be okay on my own.

I seriously have never made a decision that would only 100% make me happy, I made my choices based on others and their ambitions.

When I was moving, I went to see my parents to pick up a few things. My dad, concerned for my mental state, simply asked, "do you think you made a mistake?"

At the time I was crying like a baby. I was very upset, but I keep playing his words in my head.

No. No, I did not make a mistake.

There are so many people who say they are going to do something, and never do.. because they're SCARED. People are scared of the unknown and doing what they don't feel comfortable with doing. I decided to be someone of my word and leave. Do something I want to do, by myself.

To say that I'm fully happy right now wouldn't be true. I am sad of what I'm leaving behind. I had an afternoon crying watching circa 2005 episodes of Doctor Who.

While riding in the elevator this afternoon, headed to my floor I saw this:

Quote of the week...

Don't be afraid if things seem difficult int the beginning. That's only the initial impression.
The important thing is not to retreat; you have to master yourself--Olga Korbut

I felt that the management posted that for me, even though that is highly unlikely. That simple thing cheered me up in a heart beat.

On that note, it's time for a little more Doctor Who and bedtime.

Good Night Honolulu :) sarah

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