Thursday, August 9, 2012

Meet my new boyfriend... GYM!

Even though I'd really like to date Jim Halpert from the office....

the fitness center "Gym" in my building is my new fling.

The last time I was this motivated to work out twice a day I was living in San Antonio in 2008. It really brings me a peace of mind\. I'm less stressed, my body doesn't ache, and I sleep better at night.

Since moving into town, I don't have a television (netflix only) and there is only so much Doctor Who and Supernatural (*Rose Tyler voice* sorry, Doctor) that I can take. I really enjoy doing something, not just sitting around doing nothing.

My new routine is something like this: In the mornings I wake up, no alarm clock, and just get up and stretch. I listen to the cheesy relaxation music they play in spas and wake my body up. I head down to the gym around 5:30 and work out for about an hour. I come back upstairs and get ready for work.

I started to eat my biggest meal during lunch, I feel that it helps more with my schedule. I can't really eat 6 mini meals a day. For dinner I have toast and soup.

Once I watch about an hour of netflix and I'm finished running around from work, I finally hit the gym. The gym I use is on the 7th floor of the building I live in, it's state of the art and very luxurious. I was afraid to sweat at first--but then I realized I don't sweat, I glisten (profusely).

I really enjoy my time at the gym, it's far more relaxing and rewarding then anything else I've ever done. I'm becoming healthy and fit for myself, and it's the best.

I really hope that I can keep this up, I know it's a lot all of a sudden--but it really makes me very happy.

Each step I take on the treadmill or one more rep, I'm closer to my goal.

And that makes me smile.


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