Thursday, August 30, 2012

Somewhere, over the Rainbow.

I was on my lunch break today and I saw a homeless man with a sign that read "Without the Rain, there would be no Rainbow" he was sitting on the curb in the pouring rain. I was running around, getting a cup of coffee, and I pretty much froze in my tracks when I saw him. His face was covered in dirt, his hair grey and scraggly, his remaining teeth were rotten. His clothes were tattered but he seemed to be happy. I stood there mystified and he gave me a grin, and I smiled back.

This man, with his shopping cart full of possessions had a lovely sign. It was a message for not only him self, but for everyone who was meant to see it.  

I was meant to see it.

I can't help but think that he wasn't actually talking about the rain, but the experiences in life and what's going on around us. Was it a coincidence? 

I don't know if it was the drops from the sky or tears in my eyes, but my eyes were watery. I think he is a very intelligent man. I really wish I had gotten a picture.

I love little treasures like that... The best of all? A lovely Rainbow when I got home:

30 Aug 2012

faint rainbow overlooking Downtown Honolulu and Waikiki, Diamond head in the background.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Land of Milktea and Honey

I've lived on my "own" for almost a month now, I have budgeted my money.

I went to Yelp and decided to look for inexpensive, yet, somewhat quality food. Apparently, that's a lot to ask for. I live close to Chinatown, but I don't like buying fruits and veggies from urine tainted sidewalks. The local Safeway and Longs Drugs are too expensive, and are usually out of stock.

I decided that I was going to go to the Westside of the island and I found Don Quijote. OMG I was in heaven. Don Quijote had a very Japanese feel to it. There were so many foods that I had never seen before--I went a little out of the box with Grapples. Maybe next time I'll venture out a little. I know I will go back, I had lived in Japan for a good part of my life, and I miss it dearly and Don Quijote was very nostalgic. I miss japanese nicknacks and their cute characters. There were so many things I wanted, but had to stick with the budget. About 2 hours and $70 later I left with all of this:

Grapple--deliciousness!! Apples soaked in Grape Juice
Carrot Juice and Mr. Bond Coffee <<insert James Bond Joke...>> lol

Clearly, a kitty cat magnet, glass eiffel tower, and baby blue box aren't in the budget--but so Japanese Kawaii :)
I was thrilled that I was able to get a good quantity of produce and other various items that weren't expensive. It's important to me to be able to buy things that aren't expensive. I love to get facials and have spa days--I would rather spend my money on that, verses food.

Most of the things I purhcase go with my diet. I decided that I'm going to kick start the first 90 days with the Body by Vi challenge. To me, this is the best way and realistic. My issues are not eating during the day, and cramming it all in at night. Now if I have a vitamin based drink for breakfast, it will help me until I can eat lunch.

I am pretty excited about reaching my first goal, I want to be my goal weight by my 25th birthday in January. That would be lovely :) I know it's going to take a lot of work, but I'm excited.

Always wear your Invisible Crown

What exactly is an invisible crown and how do you get one? Well, if you have to ask—maybe you’re already dethroned.  

Just Kidding.

Lately, I have been living life as though I'm wearing an invisible crown (read: not diva). I have been carrying myself with strength, self-respect, respect to others, and dignity. I haven’t been rude, yelled, or acted in a nasty in any way. 

I know I used to not be a very nice person, I would get angry pretty often and be straight out rude to everyone--strangers, friends, my loved ones. Finally, I realized why am I so angry? 

There are many things I didn't let go. I thought I couldn't let go. I had high anxiety that I could not release. One day, when I was first learning about Zen Buddhism I realized tomorrow may not come. Would I want to look back and think "why did I let these small things make my life horrible"? The next morning I woke up and decided I was going to forgive and learn from these life experiences. My anxiety is in a forever hibernation. 

I have realized how much stress has gone away now that I'm nice to people, my voice is higher and I am friendly to everyone. It makes me happy when I make others happy that I don't even know. I am sincere and courteous to everyone I come in contact with. My life has been much better now that I keep my heart free from hate and worry.

Another aspect of wearing an invisible crown, one must remember to smile—even if the day hasn’t gone so well. Sometimes people feel stuck in a rut—they go through the motions and don’t really enjoy life. I know that I have a demanding work life and I used to have hardly any “me” time.

Usually the only me time I would have consisted of watching old episodes of The Office while my brain started to form into the consistency of bread pudding. Watching TV to me isn’t really a break, you’re not really focusing on you or relaxing.

I think that it’s important for everyone to celebrate themselves, in some sort of way, every day.

I have recently started my own positive thinking mindset and “celebrate” myself. It has helped tremendously in my very stressful job. When I get home, I usually try to do something for myself, which makes me feel better.

Some examples of (healthy) celebratory things I’ve accomplished lately:

                Dance around in Hello Kitty Socks
                Give myself a facial, with Kate Somerville glorious products
                Make cute designs on my finger nails
                Drink out of my special Batman Cup
                Have a small glass of Moscato
A few of the things above take maybe 10 minutes, but it works for me. I go to bed at nice and have peaceful dreams and wake up—attempting to conquer the world (in a courteous fashion, of course!)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Popcorn's thin line

Have you ever experienced wanting/needing something all day, and you looked forward to it. Well, for me it was popcorn.

I went to work and usually there is a costco-size box full of popcorn bags. This guy and his greasy, buttery fingers, shoveling popcorn into his face told me there wasn't any popcorn bags. I told myself I would make popcorn when I got home from working out.

When I got home there wasn't any popcorn, someone ate it all. Damn the luck.

I went to the vending machines downstairs and got the LAST BAG. I was doing this mix of a happy dance/OMG tinkle time in the elevator. I put my popcorn in the microwave and I became preoccupied. All of a sudden I smelled something burning.

Needless to say, it was the popcorn.

I mean, there isn't anything salvageable. There is a thin line between kinda toasted and burnt. This was definitely burnt.

However, I got to meet the neighbors :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

New goals for my new chapter

It's been about a week since I moved into my apartment. My room has been a sanctuary for me. I've been fighting emotional battles for most of my life, so it's nice to have a place of my own. Where I feel safe and happy.

Most people don't know that I have a binge eating disorder. One of my goals while living on my own is successfully addressing and overcoming this issue. Binge eating is usually a punch line in a "period" joke, but its a real thing and can be as equally dangerous as anorexia or bulimia.

Growing up wasn't super easy for me. I remember worrying a lot. My dad would be deployed somewhere for awhile, so it was just my mom, my sister, and me. My mom would say "why are you worrying so much? It's not normal to worry". I think I was 7 or 8.

When my dad would be gone, my mom would treat us to McDonalds--which was a treat, because we didn't go there often. We'd also be treated to ice cream, pizza, or zebra cakes. I'm not too sure why this started or how this started, but my sister and I would get excited for it. We'd have "sleep overs" in our house and all three of us would watch Goldie Hawn movies and eat what we called "girl sandwiches" with chips and dip along with a sugary soda. This was a great way to take my mind off the feelings that I had from missing my dad.

We moved to Japan when I was about 11 or 12. My brother wasn't born yet, I remember my sister and I didn't make friends at first. We were in a foreign country and we were experiencing culture shock. My sister and I would go to the Shopette (similar to a gas station) and we'd buy soda or candy. This was around the time we both started to get chubby. It was horrible.

When we moved to Hawaii, it was the same deal. In high school my sister and I both lost a lot of weight from soccer. Boys in the neighborhood would make fun of my weight, call me horrible names, and made sure to make my life a living hell. Looking back at pictures, I wasn't fat at all. I wasn't even overweight.

After high school graduation, I started to become a little chubby. I moved to Texas and ended up in an emotionally abusive situation with my dad's side of the family. They were absolutely horrible people. My grandfather would say that my cousins were prettier than me in front of everyone. The summer before my freshman year of college, I was rescued by my Nana and Aunt Janet. They built my confidence before going to college. I'll alway be grateful for that. I haven't talked to my dad's side since 2007.

My college experience was okay, I was there for a year before moving back to Hawaii. I met a guy and we really hit it off. He was amazing.

My relationship with this guy was an emotional roller-coaster. We were dating and living together. He moved to California for school in April of 2008 and I moved to San Antonio at the end of May to live with my Nana. After a not so great college experience, I had a plan to join the Air Force. My Nana was gracious and welcomed me with open arms. My Nana and Aunt Janet built up my confidence, once again, and I felt amazing. I lost a lot of weight.

That's when the shit storm happened. At the end of June, I flew to California to see my boyfriend graduate. We drove from San Diego to Dallas. It was a fun experience. After arriving in Dallas I spent a few days there. A little before Independence Day, I flew back to San Antonio. I had spent fourth of July with my amazing family, then the phone rang.

To this day, my heart drops when I think about it. My boyfriend had been dating this other girl, and they were engaged and were planning to be 2 weeks. He told me by phone. It was horrible.

What made it worse was his fiancé was horrible to me. Her, her sister, and mother would send me horrible myspace messages saying I was ugly and fat and one of the messages suggested that I should just end it all. (now, her and I are friends--and she's a good person). I sat and cried. My Nana and Aunt finally learned about these messages and read them all. They told me that it wasn't true.

To this day I'm afraid to read a message that comes up on Facebook, from anyone. I saved all the MySpace messages they sent me, printed them out, and have them in a beautiful hat box tucked deep in my closet. I should burn those.

I also wanted to point out, I don't blame her or anyone for my situation.

From July 6th to July 22nd, I spent most of my time drinking (I wasn't 21 yet), pretending to be happy, and sleeping a lot. I stopped working out and I just was sad. The day and hour they got married I was watching Judge Judy. I looked at the clock and I started balling. My nana came home, gave me one of her migraine pills and I slept for a long time. I remember not being able to feel my arms when I woke. I have no clue how long I actually slept for. When I did finally wake up, I would binge eat and consume massive amounts of Blue Bell ice cream.

I was told that he chose her over me because she was prettier, skinnier, and all around better than me. I believed it. I still believe it to this day.

I moved back to Hawaii shortly thereafter, I decided to get my life together. I went back to college--I paid for it all myself. I started to work at a bankruptcy law firm. I quickly went from a receptionist to a legal assistant while going to school full time. I finished and earned my degree. I kept myself busy, I would binge eat in private. I refused to eat at work. I would go to McDonalds, Burger King, or Taco Bell before going home and eat 3000 calories worth of food in one sitting. I was filling empty feelings and my hurt from the previous summer. I would work out and lose weight, something would happen and I would gain it all back. Then a little more.

As the years passed, I had quit and started a new job, and quit that job for my now current position.

The girl that was above me made me feel ugly, she would make fun of me to my face and behind my back. Her comments were hurtful and I would go in the bathroom and cry. I would then get a cookie or a hot chocolate from the food court in the building. Of course, to make myself feel better.

I was promoted and the girl and I were on the same level and we didn't work together any longer. I was happier and I started to work out again.

In the past year I gained weight due to binge eating. I can't stop it, it always happens at night and I eat everything in sight. I sneak food. It's shameful and it makes me sad. Why am I writing about it? Well my "food counselor" thought it was a good idea to share my secret for my personal growth, for my friends and family, and for anyone who stumbles across this blog.

While living on my own, I have started to develop habits that I hope last a life time. I want to be truly happy and in love with myself--which I'm sad to say I don't think I ever have been.

I hope to look back, a year from now, and blog about the positive changes that I went through.

If anyone in Hawaii is struggling with an eating disorder, I suggest to seek professional help from 'Ai Pono. They specialize in this field.

Now that I've spilled my secret,
I am going to explain my self healing process. Currently, I am trying to look at food a different way. I don't treat myself with Starbucks or with candy. I look at food as fuel for my body.

I have also started "practicing" Zen Buddhism and meditation. It helps clear my mind and once I'm finished, I'm able to focus on what is bothering me. I am not worrying or stressing out like I have before.

Since I'm only a week in, I plan on updating about this situation every Sunday. If anyone who reads this wants to give any tips anominously, you can message me on Facebook.

Until next time,


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Meet my new boyfriend... GYM!

Even though I'd really like to date Jim Halpert from the office....

the fitness center "Gym" in my building is my new fling.

The last time I was this motivated to work out twice a day I was living in San Antonio in 2008. It really brings me a peace of mind\. I'm less stressed, my body doesn't ache, and I sleep better at night.

Since moving into town, I don't have a television (netflix only) and there is only so much Doctor Who and Supernatural (*Rose Tyler voice* sorry, Doctor) that I can take. I really enjoy doing something, not just sitting around doing nothing.

My new routine is something like this: In the mornings I wake up, no alarm clock, and just get up and stretch. I listen to the cheesy relaxation music they play in spas and wake my body up. I head down to the gym around 5:30 and work out for about an hour. I come back upstairs and get ready for work.

I started to eat my biggest meal during lunch, I feel that it helps more with my schedule. I can't really eat 6 mini meals a day. For dinner I have toast and soup.

Once I watch about an hour of netflix and I'm finished running around from work, I finally hit the gym. The gym I use is on the 7th floor of the building I live in, it's state of the art and very luxurious. I was afraid to sweat at first--but then I realized I don't sweat, I glisten (profusely).

I really enjoy my time at the gym, it's far more relaxing and rewarding then anything else I've ever done. I'm becoming healthy and fit for myself, and it's the best.

I really hope that I can keep this up, I know it's a lot all of a sudden--but it really makes me very happy.

Each step I take on the treadmill or one more rep, I'm closer to my goal.

And that makes me smile.


Monday, August 6, 2012

Out with the with the new

In the past few days I have been overcome by this weird feeling, the best way I can describe it is the same feeling of waiting for shark week to air on Discovery.

nervousness, excitement, happiness, even a little scared

Today when I did a zombie-esqe roll out of bed, I realized... this was the new start of my new life. Was I happy that I was leaving the old Sarah behind?

The "old" Sarah I refer to is an unhappy camper, she was dependent on others for her own happiness.

The new Sarah, is happy, excited, and ready for the daily adventure of life--and as corny as that sounds, I'm happy I'm moving forward. How many people (including yourself) would want to have a clean slate?

I was stuck in an on-again off-again relationship for years with someone who I'll always care about, however, it just wasn't working. I needed to do something I've never done: DO SOMETHING FOR MYSELF. If it does end up working that would be great, and if not, I know that I'll be okay on my own.

I seriously have never made a decision that would only 100% make me happy, I made my choices based on others and their ambitions.

When I was moving, I went to see my parents to pick up a few things. My dad, concerned for my mental state, simply asked, "do you think you made a mistake?"

At the time I was crying like a baby. I was very upset, but I keep playing his words in my head.

No. No, I did not make a mistake.

There are so many people who say they are going to do something, and never do.. because they're SCARED. People are scared of the unknown and doing what they don't feel comfortable with doing. I decided to be someone of my word and leave. Do something I want to do, by myself.

To say that I'm fully happy right now wouldn't be true. I am sad of what I'm leaving behind. I had an afternoon crying watching circa 2005 episodes of Doctor Who.

While riding in the elevator this afternoon, headed to my floor I saw this:

Quote of the week...

Don't be afraid if things seem difficult int the beginning. That's only the initial impression.
The important thing is not to retreat; you have to master yourself--Olga Korbut

I felt that the management posted that for me, even though that is highly unlikely. That simple thing cheered me up in a heart beat.

On that note, it's time for a little more Doctor Who and bedtime.

Good Night Honolulu :) sarah

Thursday, August 2, 2012

And so the adventure begins....

I'm sitting on the couch, typing away, and watching/listening to reruns of Judge Judy... what can be more fun than that?

I can think of a lot of things.

I was recently handed the keys to my new apartment, in downtown Honolulu. However, due to unseen circumstances, I was unable to move my things into my apartment until Saturday.

I made the hard decision to move from Ewa Beach to live on my own. I needed to make healthy changes in my life. This will be the first time that I'm "alone" (Side Note: I will have 2 roommates...). I've always had someone there for me. While living on my own I want to accomplish:
  1. becoming healthy
  2. being frugal
  3. appreciating what I have
  4. I needed to clear my mind (i.e. no stress)
  5. learning to love myself

It was a very hard decision, because of what I'm leaving behind, but the road ahead is going to be exciting. 

I will also have 3 HOURS of my life back, the trip to Mordor was a more simple task than enduring the horrible commute back to Ewa Beach. 

I am excited, scared, happy, and sad--but this is whats best for me. I plan on writing on here at least 3 times per week, and even if it's only my sister who reads this (Hi Aime'e!!) I'll be happy, since I am doing this for myself.