I was thinking about my future and how excited I am for what's changing, I know that I have had a dark moment that has left me feeling--bleh.

I have recently come to the the conclusion that YOU have to be happy with YOURSELF before you can with anyone else. I have heard it so many times before, but I never really thought about it or I gave a dramatic eye-roll. I have been really motivated lately do to what makes me happy. I have been doing yoga, working out, reading, shopping, and talking to a bunch of people who lift my spirits up and make me giggle.
I am motivated to become happy because for so long I was told that I wasn't. I was made to believe that I wasn't a happy person, I had someone who constantly told me that I was unhappy. That person was wrong. I am a happy person who loves to make others happy as well.
Yoga helps me push the negative thoughts out and breathe in the positive mind-set.
What can you do that makes you happy? To some people it's a cup of tea and a good book to others it's skydiving.
If you don't really know, think of times that you felt satisfied. I would suggest if you have a disorder, to not do things that would trigger a bad reaction or habit. Focus on long lasting things that promote happiness--such as Yoga.
In the past couple of weeks, focusing on myself and making myself happy has has been therapeutic. I was motivated by a few of my friends who talk about being happy and making "you" a priority. It's not selfish, it's healthy. But like anything else, it can be easily abused.
Make a list if you have to. Wake up tomorrow and say "I love you".
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