The holidays are coming up and that means a lot of parties. I like having a go-to outfit that is super easy to wear and that doesn't take a lot of fuss. I don't have time to run to the dry cleaners or have the money to spend on a punch of outfits I'll only wear once. I was recently asked what I was planning on wearing for the holiday season for non-formal parties. For a party I recently went to, I wore a simple Bluish-Purple Dress, a collar necklace, a black jacket, black tights, and black wedges. I had fun with my make up and hair.
Dress: Target Brand, $24.99
Jacket Coverup: Macy's INC, $24.99
Shoes: Nine West, $55.00
Neckless: Forever21, $5.99
Tights: Hanes, $3.99
Hair: A Jersey amount of hair spray, along with anti-frizz serum and a 1 1/4'' curling iron.
Makeup: Virgin in the the original naked eye palette, HD Forever liquid matte foundation, and a translucent finishing powder.

I didn't have to purchase anything expect for the tights, it doesn't get cold in Hawaii--only chilly (68 degrees lol). It's just other things that I incorporated and have never worn together before. I have been trying to save money, so instead of buying new dresses I am just going to keep revolving what I have. For each holiday party
I go to I'll mix up my neckless, hair style, and possibly my jacket (...hmmm maybe add a few metallic skinny belts). I am not a fan of black dresses, since everyone usually wears them--I like to stand out.
Have a fun holiday season with your outfits. Black is out and fun colors are in! Express yourself.
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